Seminole Seasonal Event
Gaines County
Walked on 12/29/2014




We collected another new county today when we did this 10K Volksmarch. We had surprisingly warm weather.

First item that caught my eye was the school mascot on the water tower.

This is definitely a petroleum based community. There are pumps scattered around in the residential areas.

We started at one end of the park and walked the cement path to the opposite end.

The park's edge was lined by some pretty fancy homes.

Taking a water break in the park.

We passed the sign for the park on the way out.

Another city water tower.

Town clock on the courthouse square.

1936 County Marker.

Wording on the marker which is next to the Gaines County Courthouse.

Mural on the courthouse.

Multi-war veteran's memorial at the front of the courthouse.

Gaines county courthouse.

Large Baptist Church.
